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Digital Marketing Tactics for Pallet Mfrs

Digital Marketing - Hands holding a tablet
Thad KingThad King
July 5, 2024

Pallet manufacturing is one of the pillars of the logistics industry. In fact, according to the National Wooden Pallet and Container Association, nearly two billion pallets are used in the United States alone each day. Pallets are crucial for transporting and storing goods, and with the evolution of the digital economy over the past few decades, the need for new pallets continues to grow.

If you run a pallet business that provides pallet manufacturing, rehabilitation, pickup and delivery or any other service that works directly or indirectly with pallets, now is a good time to shore up your digital presence. Digital marketing for pallet businesses is critical if you want to take advantage of growth in the sector, and your marketing efforts in the digital space also establish authority and enhance your company’s visibility.

While digital marketing for pallet businesses doesn’t have to be difficult, it does take some time and planning in order to be successful. If you’re wondering about how to boost your digital strategy, below are three tactics to incorporate:

1. Produce Helpful Content for Your Business Website

Although this may sound like a “no-brainer”, producing helpful content for your company’s website is vital when it comes to digital marketing for pallet businesses. The catch here is defining helpful content. What does helpful content mean? Why does helpful content matter?

What is Helpful Content?

Man filming a podcast

Helpful content is content that provides value to existing and potential customers beyond just offering basic descriptive information. While you certainly want to have service pages on your company’s site, or pages that explain what services your company offers, these pages in and of themselves are not necessarily helpful. They are merely describing what your company does.

Instead, use assets like blogs and resource centers on your company’s site to add value to the experience of using your site. For example, you could write up a blog post comparing the benefits of wood pallet products to plastic pallet products. This can help associate your company with pallet products and services on the web, provide helpful content to potential customer searching on the web and may also earn valuable backlinks from other websites across the Internet.

Helpful content and resources can boost digital marketing for pallet businesses in several ways, including:

  1. Helpful content gives customers a reason to share your site with others
  2. Helpful content establishes your pallet business as a trusted authority
  3. Content that gets linked elsewhere on the web can boost search engine optimization (SEO) efforts to help your business rank higher in search results for relevant search terms
  4. Helpful content using semantically related words explains what your site is about in the eyes of search engines and large-language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT.

When you produce helpful content on a regular basis, this signals to search engines that your pallet business is authoritative. When potential customers search for terms related to your services, your site is more likely to get found above the competition due to this earned authoritativeness. Essentially, you want to make the content on your site robust and helpful to become the go-to authority for pallet services in the areas you serve.

2. Set Up and Manage Social Media Pages for Your Company

You probably already know that social media platforms offer all kinds of ways to form connections, and you likely already have personal social media profiles on sites like Facebook and LinkedIn. What you may not have considered is the power behind having a company page for your pallet business on these platforms.

Why Are Company Social Media Pages Important?

Person managing social media

Company social media pages can be fantastic marketing tools in a number of different ways. Your company pages increase brand visibility, and they also offer the ability to put out branded content. Much like your company’s website, you have control over what goes out on your company social media pages, and this allows for a fairly wide degree of freedom and flexibility.

You can use company social media pages to engage with customers, comment as your business on other pages and profiles, establish your brand as an authority by passing along personalized recommendations and more. Company social media pages are also a way to keep your pallet business top-of-mind among customers while giving current customers a reason to spread the word and become brand evangelists.

Some Warnings About Company Social Media Pages

There are, however, a few caveats to keep in mind when setting up social media pages for your company. First, remember that you are acting as a representative of your company, not as an individual, when using these pages. The content you post, the comments you leave and the interactions you have while logged into your company pages are a direct reflection on your business in the eyes of the public.

Also, we mentioned above that social media pages for companies offer a large degree of freedom regarding the content you post. While this is true in the sense that you can choose to support various digital marketing campaigns by creating and posting custom content, there are limits.

When you setup a LinkedIn company page or a page on any other social media platform, you will need to agree to certain terms of service. These terms govern what you can post and what actions each platform can take regarding your content. If you aren’t careful, content that violates these terms may be removed, and repeated offenses can result in your company page being deleted entirely.

3. Local Digital Advertising

Online Advertising

You can also incorporate content into your local digital advertising efforts. Pay-per-click (PPC) is one of the most popular forms of digital advertising because it offers targeted reach and tighter control over budgets.

PPC advertising is available through a range of platforms, including Google and social media service providers. You can use ads for direct response advertising or to market your pallet business by raising brand awareness. The goal of each ad needs to be targeted, and you’ll also want to target the people seeing your ads.

Thankfully, most PPC platforms make this easy. Facebook, for instance, allows companies to drill down to specify the types of people who should see specific ads. Once you’ve set up your target audience, you can then specify a budget and the length of time you want your campaign to run. Your ad is displayed until your budget runs out or your campaign ends, whichever comes first.

PPC ads for the pallet industry can have a local focus, but if you offer pallet services and products regionally or nationally, you can expand your target audience. Consider creating a specific page on your site that you link to each ad. These are referred to as landing pages, and they are generally pages with targeted information that is developed to cause a lead to take action.

Partner With a Professional

While the above tips aren’t necessarily all that difficult on their own, they do take a keen understanding of the digital landscape. They also take time and attention to developed targeted content and strategies for reaching potential and existing customers. For these reasons, many in the pallet industry turn to professional digital marketing agencies for assistance.

Contact Pallet Company Marketing to Receive Personalized Digital Marketing Solutions for Your Pallet Business

Pallet Marketing Company specializes in digital marketing solutions for pallet business professionals. Our team offers personalized marketing strategies and solutions to boost brand awareness, generate leads and increase sales through SEO, web design and development, social media marketing and more.

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