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How to Set up a Company LinkedIn Page

LinkedIn splash screen on the mobile phone
Julie FrostJulie Frost
January 6, 2023

Your personal LinkedIn profile allows you to make connections on a one-to-one level. Take it a step further by making a LinkedIn page for your company.

Installing LinkedIn App

Your business page is similar to your profile: you can earn followers, post content, receive messages, advertise yourself, and share pictures and videos. However, this page allows users to exclusively follow your business without making personal connections.

Setting up a page is free, and you can optimize the profile to drive traffic to your website. Learn how to set up a company LinkedIn page to broaden your marketing strategy.

How to Create a Company LinkedIn Page

Follow these steps to create your business's LinkedIn page:

  1. Make a personal account for yourself if you haven't already. LinkedIn automatically makes you the company page's admin.
  2. Hit the "Work" icon near the top and choose "Create a Company Page."
  3. Choose "Small business" or "Medium to large business," depending on your company's size. You can select "Showcase page" later to make a subpage for your business.
  4. Add your details, including the company's name, logo, size, type, and tagline. Use the page preview to see how your page will look.
  5. Click "Create page" when you're done.

Next, follow these instructions to edit your page:

  1. Go to your new page and click the "Edit Page" button.
  2. Add a professional cover image that represents your business.
  3. Fill out your information, including the description, industry, and website URL. The more you fill out, the more professional and legitimate your business looks.
  4. Hit the "Buttons" tab on the left to place action buttons on your page, such as "Learn more."
  5. Save your changes.

Finally, click "Share Page" to spread the word. You and your colleagues can announce the new page on your personal feeds. Other options include sending the page in a message, sharing the page on social media, and copying the link to promote your page anywhere.

Tips on Promoting Your Page

Hand posting on Social Media

After you set up a company LinkedIn page, sharing it is the first step in the marketing campaign. Get people excited by framing the launch as a major announcement. You didn't just create a page for people to follow: you're further legitimizing your operation and building a place for people to connect, learn and follow your exciting updates.

Ask your network to spread the word when you share the link on your feed. Every share exposes your page to a new network. Multiple shares also generate excitement in your feed--after all, why would people who don't work for your company post about it if they didn't believe in your operation?

Make sure that your page is ready to go before you start marketing. You can edit your details later, but you'll need a clean, professional site to attract followers. People need to understand that your page has existed for a while.

Optimizing Your Company LinkedIn Page

Set Goals

Ask yourself why you made a company page in the first place. Do you want to connect with colleagues? Are you looking for business partners? Do you want to generate leads or keep up with your competitors? Each goal requires different marketing tactics so that you can reach your audience.

To attract colleagues and industry leaders, focus your content on news, updates, and advice throughout your field. You'll make connections that could help you advance later. Appealing directly to customers requires a diverse content calendar that entertains, informs, and subtly advertises, inspiring them to check out your website.

Choose Your Cover Photo

LinkedIn cover photo size

Your cover photo is one of the first images that visitors see. If you have one, your page will look complete. Choose a strong image that highlights an aspect of your business, such as the logo, your mission statement, an inspirational quote, or a picture of your team.

Periodically, refresh your company's page with a new cover photo. You could promote sales at the top of your page, add a holiday-themed header or show off a new logo. You could repurpose headers for consistent branding if you're active on other social media platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter.

Incorporate Keywords

People use keywords to search for companies on Google and LinkedIn. Someone who needs raw materials might search for "lumber supplier" or "lumber company." Websites that incorporate those keywords into the content usually rank higher than those without. As a result, the site has high visibility levels.

LinkedIn business profiles are similarly indexed. You can add search engine optimization (SEO) keywords to your company page and your profile. While you can't squeeze in every possible keyword, adding the most common search phrases helps people find your company.

To find keywords, ask yourself which phrases you would use. Check out Google's recommended searches and search more keywords with free SEO tools. Incorporate them into your summary and "About" page to boost your visibility. Ensure you include them naturally in the text--a clump of keywords at the bottom needs to be more comfortable and professional.

Share Blog Posts

LinkedIn isn't just a networking site. You can share blogs, videos, illustrations, and infographics as you would on another social media platform. In fact, LinkedIn users are more likely to interact with Twitter and Instagram followers because they're connecting with colleagues. A single comment could lead to a business relationship and a job opportunity.

Share long-form blog posts on your company page. Some blog posts create a need by showing readers how they can use their product. Others educate readers, encouraging them to share the post with their network. Their connections will see your company's name and browse your profile.

Entertain Your Audience

LinkedIn is a networking site, but your page doesn't have to be dry and stiff in the name of professionalism. Sharing a funny or feel-good story brightens your readers' day. They're more likely to interact with lighthearted posts, and if you make them smile, they may share your content on their feeds. Think about it: how many times have you clicked "Like" because a story amused you?

LinkedIn isn't the best platform for reposted memes, but you could share a humorous story or an inspiring event, such as witnessing a good deed. Keep it short because your connections likely won't read an essay-length story.

Similarly, don't be afraid to add your unique "voice" to your posts. Avoid sounding too casual: you'll still need correct spelling and grammar and don't overload the post with emojis. Use a light touch, so your company blog posts have a distinct, instantly recognizable style.

Craft a Strong Summary

Your description introduces viewers to your company and is an essential element when you set up a company LinkedIn page. Like a tweet, you'll need to get essential information in a small character count. State your business's purpose in the first line so viewers can quickly scan your page. Add a hook that grabs their attention, such as an award your company won.

Frame your operation as an accomplished business, but make your description different from an advertisement. Your connections still want factual information. Additionally, your description should be evergreen. Don't include temporary events, promotions, and discounts; share those in your feed.

Host Livestreams

Man and Woman

In recent years, LinkedIn has added features that other social media websites popularized, helping you keep up with the trends. LinkedIn Live allows you to stream videos directly through the platform. You can live stream events and conferences, show presentations, interview colleagues, and introduce yourself to your followers.

For your business page, give followers a peek at your operations. Take them on a tour of your store or factory, show off new products, celebrate store openings, and provide behind-the-scenes looks at product development. You can create a separate event page and advertise the live stream before it starts. Follow up with viewers afterward to generate leads.

Add a Career Page

Attract potential employees with a career page. Unfortunately, you can't add these pages on your own--you'll have to contact LinkedIn for a demo. However, visitors can browse available positions and apply quickly if you have a career page. Streamlining the process shows them you care, making your business look even more attractive.

Your career page provides another opportunity to spotlight your company. You can create graphs, show pictures, discuss your history, and discuss the company culture. Many businesses add their mission statement, career benefits, team leaders, and videos where employees discuss working for your operation. Even people who aren't searching for a job will find this page useful.

Send Invites

You can invite people to follow your company page as you can on Facebook. Some people deactivate these notifications, and others delete them without reading them, but you'll likely snag a handful of followers. They'll recognize the name and want to support you or think that your company looks like a good connection.

LinkedIn allows you to invite 1st-degree connections. Go to the admin tools, choose "Invite connections," and choose people from the list. Once you've formed your list, click "Invite connection(s)." LinkedIn sends the notification to their inboxes. Avoid sending invitations too often--most people decide when they see the first invite.

Browse Your Competitors

Man with binoculars checking on the competitors

What makes your competitors successful? Review competitors' pages with high follower counts as you set up a company LinkedIn page. Study their profiles to see what attracts clients. You will have some of the factors, but you can make inferences. Check out multiple competitors to see what they have in common.

Once you've scanned their profiles, perform more in-depth research by browsing their feeds. Determine which posts have the most reactions. Do followers seem to react well to videos, short updates, blog posts, or infographics? Incorporate these posts into your content calendar to gain a similar following.

Boost Posts

Advertise your business by boosting a post. Choose an objective, such as brand awareness or increased post engagement, then select your audience, budget, and campaign dates, and your advertisement can direct followers to your pallet business website. You could also promote a video, boost announcements, or highlight posts that need more interactions.

These advertisements make your company visible to thousands of people outside your network. Users who like your post will check out the page and potentially hit the "Follow" button. Often, you don't need an elaborate advertisement: a quick but important update or a thought-provoking question will engage your viewers.

Increase Your Sales With Digital Marketing

To drive sales, pallet manufacturers should follow digital marketing best practices to outperform their competitors online. For assistance growing your sales, schedule a call with the Pallet Company Marketing pros today!e

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